Scientific studies suggest the world is still on track to exceed the 1.5 degrees Celsius increase in temperature relative to pre-industrial times, by 2050. We collectively need to do more - and the power of private capital has a key role to play.

Rich Pickings explores the investment beliefs and philosophies of prominent professional investors. In this episode, I'm in conversation with Andrew Clifford, co-founder, co-CIO and CEO of international equities manager, Platinum Asset Management.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are vitally important to building a better world for all humanity. Using an SDG framework reduces portfolio risk while making a positive SDG impact.

Positive ESG selection creates a broader universe of sustainable companies and greater opportunity set than negative or exclusionary policies, delivering more sustainable risk-adjusted returns.

Stephen Fitzgerald | 0.50 CE

A high equity income strategy tailored for retirees is a core solution for providing better retirement outcomes, maximising income while leaving capital intact.

Don Hamson | 2 comments | 0.50 CE

When markets are exuberant, it is difficult to see - let alone act - against the hubris. When markets are down in the dumps, it is difficult to see past the misery. A reductive macro-economic framework may help.

Joseph Lai | 0.50 CE

There are strong behavioural biases that attract investors to complex strategies. However, introducing complexity will, on average, diminish the odds of success and detract from returns.

Stephen Arnold | 0.50 CE

As investors themselves, investment advisers can suffer from the very biases they attempt to combat within their clients, risking the delivery of optimal client outcomes and deepening relationships.

Jason Komadina | 0.50 CE

Quantitative easing has inflated the price and risk of asset classes. Private debt prices in this risk and offers investors the capital protection they deserve.

Andrew Lockhart | 0.50 CE

Many assume there are two kinds of business decision makers - those who are ethical and those who are not. However, most of us are both.

Dafna Eylon | 1.00 CE

Established in 2016, Portfolio Construction Forum Finology Summit is THE behavioural finance ('fin") and investor psychology ("ology") program of the year. It will help you better identify and understand how your own and other people's different investing biases, beliefs and behaviours impact investment markets and portfolio construction practices - and therefore, investment outcomes - to help you build better quality investor portfolios.

Established in 2016, Portfolio Construction Forum Finology Summit is THE behavioural finance ('fin") and investor psychology ("ology") program of the year. It will help you better identify and understand how your own and other people's different investing biases, beliefs and behaviours impact investment markets and portfolio construction practices - and therefore, investment outcomes - to help you build better quality investor portfolios.

In the 1990s and 2000s, investors were largely able to ignore the macro picture. But macro forces have reawakened and matter more than ever for portfolios to succeed in meeting client goals in the years ahead.

All markets are embedded in a web of human relations, values and norms. We must rethink the relationship between market and civil society to return to a more secure and stable economic plane.

Raghuram Rajan | 1.00 CE

Style matters when constructing portfolios, but there are other characteristics in a manager that are as - if not more - important in generating consistent returns over the long term.

Myooran Mahalingam | 0.50 CE

Private debt essential to modern investment portfolios. If the end objective is an attractive risk-adjusted return, then private debt is the means to get there.

Andrew Lockhart | 0.50 CE

There is no point in building wealth for the future if that future is one of frequent and catastrophic climate events that undermine our way of life.

Chris Iggo | 0.50 CE

As the Baby Boomer generation continues to transition to retirement and life expectancies rise, portfolio construction practitioners must ensure retirement solutions meet client goals right to the end of their days.

Companies that are solving the world's greatest challenges - environmental or humanitarian – often have near term imperfections that see them starved of capital. A pragmatic approach embraces imperfections and focusses on the potential for positive societal impact.

Investors should consider the real-world impact of their investments and build portfolios aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a means to building clients' wealth, and improving well-being.

Erik Keller | 0.50 CE

With the individual, business and economic benefits on offer from a more ethical Australia, the business case for change is a sound one. Strengthening ethics is simply a must for a better future.

With several catalysts impacting on the Australian advice landscape, we are seeing a resurgence back to centrally developed investment portfolio construction solutions - but the approach differs to history.

David Hutchison | 0.75 CE

Value investing proved to be successful strategy for nearly a century, before experiencing one of its worst performance periods in the last few years. These two papers examine whether implementation or low interest rates are the culprit.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Charles Goodhart, perhaps Britain's most distinguished economic commentator, has just co-authored a book arguing that longer-term inflation will be much higher than the past 35 years. The reason for his view is highly unorthodox - and, in our opinion, correct.

A generation of great international economists is passing from the scene. Richard Cooper, Robert Mundell and John Williamson each made important contributions on a variety of topics including to the ongoing debate about optimal currency arrangements.

Rich Pickings explores the investment beliefs and philosophies of prominent professional investors. In this Rich Pickings, I sit down with London-based Keith Lloyd, CEO and Deputy CIO of global bond manager, Colchester Global Investors.

Our diverse panel debated which of the high-conviction propositions they heard at Markets Summit 2021 resonated most strongly, which they disagreed with most - and the portfolio construction implications.

Expert Panel | 0.75 CE

The energy transition has the potential to be as transformative for the world economy and geopolitical landscape as the digital revolution has been since the 1980s.

Chris Iggo | 0.50 CE

It's time to construct portfolios with investment strategies designed to advance humankind towards a global sustainable economy, a just society, and a better world.

John Quealy | 0.50 CE

Believe in sustainable investing or not, investors need to understand its impact on investment returns and portfolio construction as capital markets stand on the cusp of a transformation to an ESG world.

Suni Harford | 0.50 CE