The 6-hour Due Diligence Forum is one of two key components of the
annual PortfolioConstruction Conference. The 2009 Due Diligence Forum
program featured 24 international and local investment experts
presenting pre-approved research papers.
This Resources Kit will comprise those papers, along with presentation
slides, podcasts and questions/comments.
Interest - Fixed Interest / Credit |
Investing across the capital structure | Schroders |
>>> |
The changing nature of fixed interest funds |
Tyndall Investments |
>>> |
Old lessons re-learned for income investors |
Perpetual |
>>> |
Global income opportunities in listed small caps |
Trafalgar Capital
>>> |
Getting Real - Property |
Global listed infrastructure, the best defence... | Colonial First State
>>> |
What the future holds for listed property |
Resolution Capital /
Pinnacle |
>>> |
Australian residential property - investing on solid
ground | Ironstone Funds
>>> |
Taking Stock - Equities - Stock/Region |
Equity investing for regular, high income & low
volatility | Denning
Pryce/Zurich |
>>> |
Alternative strategies within Australian equities
| SG Hiscock /
>>> |
Why invest in Asia? |
Fidelity International |
>>> |
The future role of active extension in Australia
| Grant Samuel
>>> |
Taking Stock - Equities -
Global Diversified |
Global equity investing – keeping it simple |
Aberdeen Asset
Management |
>>> |
Secular growth in emerging markets and how to access
it | T.Rowe
Price |
>>> |
Positioning portfolios in a deleveraging world
| Magellan Asset
Management |
>>> |
Global investing, a paradigm shift in market
leadership | Capital
>>> |
Alternatively - Alternatives |
Why another crisis to recognise managed futures'
benefits? | Man
Investments |
>>> |
Investing in commodities for a diversified portfolio
| Barclays
Capital |
>>> |
Shortfalls of a traditional approach to hedge
fund investing | JANA/
nabInvest |
>>> |
Why does capital protection have to be so hard? |
Alpha Structured
>>> |
Lot - Multi-Asset Class |
Strategic tilting – guidelines for use in portfolios
| Russell Investments |
>>> |
SRA - the missing piece in the puzzle |
Investment Science |
>>> |
The case for a flexible approach to asset allocation
| Select Asset
Management |
>>> |
ETFs - a tool for the new reality |
iShares/Barclays Global
>>> |