5 results found

After a chaotic period for economies, healthcare and markets, across most asset classes, silver linings are emerging. In Europe, the shuttering of Russian energy supplies is motivating governments and companies to accelerate the transition to alternative energy sources. Combined with policy initiatives and a significant injection of capital, energy systems are moving towards a new sustainable paradigm. Meanwhile, investments in data and computing speed are taking artificial intelligence to a remarkable level, opening significant productivity opportunities. Global equity investors can capture these silver linings by identifying the companies best placed to benefit from shifts in energy and technology.

Persistent earnings revisions ultimately drive share price performance. Understanding and capturing this predictable pattern enhances portfolio returns.

Nikki Thomas | 0.50 CE

Businesses adapting successfully to disruption exist across all industries and can be identified irrespective of prevailing market conditions. Finding those with improving earnings outlooks can deliver a future proofed portfolio.

Nikki Thomas | 0.50 CE

This paper and presentation argue that there are real sign-posts that clearly suggest that the US is off its knees and ready to surprise the world on the upside, with significant implications for markets and portfolios.

The US is undeniably the critical market within the global economy - and there are real sign-posts that clearly suggest it is ready to surprise the world on the upside.