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Investing in global REITs enables investors to gain exposure to real estate in a liquid form. Liquidity plays a key role in portfolios and investors value this more in times of market stress. This was once again highlighted over the course of 2022 during the rapid change in inflation and monetary policy settings. Given the recent market volatility impacting the listed markets, we are now witnessing dislocation between public and private market real estate valuations. Although the consequential volatility casts a VUCA cloud over REIT performance, the silver lining is that this is transitory, in part reflecting a number of the sector’s key attributes including transparency and liquidity. Over the medium to long term, the performance of select well managed REITs is driven by the performance of underlying real estate, and dispersion between public and private market real estate values converge.

The future ain't what it used to be – that's just noise. Listed Global REITs provide investors with a competitive return profile and diversification from equities, a compelling reason for allocations in portfolios.

Andrew Parsons | 0.50 CE

The outlook for the REITs vs cash, risks and opportunities, and portfolio construction implications...