Investment Management Research Workshop |
Advancing investment management research |
Established in 2008, the Investment Management Research Workshop showcases contemporary academic research that is relevant to investment management. Presented in Sydney each May, the one-day program features an academic faculty from leading international and Australian universities presenting investment research for consideration, discussion and feedback. It is presented in collaboration with Macquarie University. The Investment Management Research Workshop gives you a rare opportunity to join with the full spectrum of investment analysts - academics, professional investors, consultants, practitioners and advocates - to consider contemporary investment research. Mark Your Diary - Investment Management Research Workshop 2020 (13 May).
Graham Rich
Professor Ron Bird |
Best suited to Academics, professional investors, consultants, practitioners, advocates About the program Who's involved, why it's different, knowledge domains, program structure Past programs Links to prior programs including presentations and papers
The Investment Management Research Workshop is relevant to the full spectrum of investment management analysts including: academics - those who are focused on research in funds management (across all asset classes); wealth management (particularly investment and superannuation); and, banking (particularly financial intermediation and regulation); professional investors - those involved in constructing portfolios of individual securities; consultants - those engaged in providing consulting services to practitioners; practitioners - institutional and private wealth investment management analysts involved in designing and building investment portfolios using (but not necessarily limited to) managed funds from a range of firms. This includes: investment advisers, researchers/analysts and portfolio managers from private wealth management companies; fund analysts and asset consultants from fund research and fund investment consulting firms; fund researchers/analysts and portfolio managers from multi-manager funds management, superannuation, and investment platform companies; and, investment professionals managing private investment funds (e.g. private corporate super funds, endowment funds, government departments and universities, etc); and, advocates - business professionals with analytical responsibilities, from any investment firm. Each year,
WHO'S INVOLVED The Investment Management Research Workshop was established by Professor Ron Bird while at UTS, as part of the UTS Paul Woolley Centre for Capital Markets Dysfunctionality established in 2007. In 2017, Portfolio Construction Forum became involved under the auspices of the Investment Management Research Program, the specialist academic research unit of Portfolio Construction Forum, which replaced the UTS Paul Woolley Centre. The Investment Management Research program has three activities: 1. Research - Commissioning research that furthers the efficiency and effectiveness of the flow investment funds along the continuum from savers to the ultimate investment outcomes. 2. Debate - Facilitating interaction between academics from leading international and Australian universities, professional investors, consultants, practitioners and advocates through two annual classroom-style, face-to-face programs, the one-day Investment Management Research Workshop (May) and the two-day Investment Management Research Symposium (November). 3. Educate - Presenting a range of university level, blended learning short courses, including the Investment Management Analyst Certificate (IMAC) course, core to the global Certified Investment Management Analyst® certification program. The Denver-based Investments & Wealth Institute has approved the Investment Management Research Program as the Registered Education Provider to provide the education program for CIMA candidates in Australia and New Zealand. We are one of four such Registered Education Providers globally, alongside Chicago Booth, Wharton and Yale, the three US-based Registered Education Providers. In 2019, the Investment Management Research Program established a collaboration with Macquarie University, and Professor Tom Smith, Head of the Department of Applied Finance, joined the IMR Program Committee. The CIMA Society of Australia, the professional association for Certified Investment Management Analysts in Australia and NZ, supports the Investment Management Research Program as its initiatives are particularly suited to helping CIMA certificants meet their ongoing continuing education commitment. WHY IT'S DIFFERENT The Investment Management Research Workshop is a rare opportunity for the full spectrum of investment management analysts - academics, professional investors, consultants, practitioners and advocates - to come together to consider and discuss contemporary investment management research. It has three key differentiators: focused - singularly focused on research in funds management (across all asset classes); wealth management (particularly investment and superannuation); and, banking (particularly financial intermediation and regulation); specialist - for investment management analysts first and foremost, with a firm focus on academic research; and, independent - independently curated and moderated one-day classroom-style, face-to-face program. It is a companion program to the annual two-day face-to-face Investment Management Research Symposium held in Sydney each November. The Investment Management Research Workshop presents research from across three of the five Forum knowledge Domains.
Markets – understanding the drivers of and outlook for the
investment markets
– designing robust investment strategies to meet defined
Investing –
identifying quality investment management solutions and their
place in portfolios Like all our face-to-face, blended and online continuing education programs, the Investment Management Research Workshop is an integrated learning program with preparation, participation and review. Prepare To maximise learning, delegates are provided with pre-reading aimed at boosting their knowledge and getting them thinking about the issues to be addressed in the program. The preparation is assumed prior knowledge. Participate The face-to-face program is comprised of a 2.5-hour Masterclass (classroom) program and 3.0-hour Lecture Series (classroom) program, all of which involve a high level of group discussion and feedback. Review After the face-to-face program, delegates' learning continues. The presentations are webcast on – a page per presentation featuring the sync'd video and slides, podcast, slides and paper(s) - so delegates can revisit the sessions they attended and review their key takeouts.
mysteries of minimum-variance investing
Information diffusion and speed competition
impact of loan loss provisioning on bank capital
Buying En Primeur: The rise of the Grand Cru houses in the
private capital markets and implications for investment
governance in Australian superannuation funds
impact of performance measurement without imputation on fund
manager and corporate behaviour
Understanding how people spend their money in retirement

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