The long and short of it |
The following presentation was delivered at PortfolioConstruction Forum Conference 2016, the theme of which was "The long and short of it (Is the concept of long-term investing increasingly irrelevant?)". |
Synopsis |
Investing is supposed to be about the incremental replacement of human capital with financial capital over the long term - that's the theory. But the reality is that today's environment and our behavioural biases conspire against such a pure case. Fuelled by the 24/7 news cycle and constant churn of social media, the world operates on ever shorter cycles. Politicians promise what will see them re-elected, instead of doing what's best for multi-decade economic and social benefit. Companies focus on looking their best for the next reporting season, often at the expense of future growth. Public outrage flares, dissipates and moves on to the next issue within hours with social media fanning the flames. In short - short-termism seems rife! We see the effect in the ever increasing emphasis on fees and reporting of short-term returns for markets, securities, funds and portfolios. Is the concept of long-term investing increasingly irrelevant? |
Presenter |
Graham Rich, Managing Partner & Dean, PortfolioConstruction Forum (Sydney) |
Papers |
Some thoughts on Shortsightedness and Intergenerational Equity |
Presentation - Recorded 24 August 2016 (11 min)
More info |
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