Portfolio Construction Forum Research Roundtable |
building investment committee members' knowledge and skills
Research Roundtable helps identify quality investment solutions and their place in portfolios. Covering a diverse range of investment strategies across a continuous series of meetings, it aims to further develop Investment Committee members’ knowledge and skill in the “secondary” fund research area of “know your product”, and the related due diligence of fund research houses, fund managers and funds, as well as Investment Committee APL and multi-manager portfolio decision-making. Each Research Roundtable is a unique, invitation-only meeting for a diverse but compatible group of 10 very senior, experienced investment committee practitioners. It fills an executive MBA role and grows peer relationships. For more information, contact us.
Graham Rich, Publisher |
Who is it suited to? Why is it different? Overview Send me more info |
Each Research Roundtable is a unique, invitation-only meeting for a diverse but compatible group of 10 very senior, experienced investment committee practitioners* who have an active involvement with Portfolio Construction Forum. * A Practitioner is an individual whose primary (day-to-day) role is focused within the spectrum of issues involved in designing and building quality investor portfolios that include (but are not necessarily limited to) managed funds from a range of funds management firms, and importantly, who each sit on an investment committee. |
Research Roundtable provides the very material benefits of fund manager and investment strategy due diligence, continuing development of your “know your product” governance knowledge and skills – and, equally importantly, collaborative interaction between senior peers over a concentrated time span. In fact, one of the things participants always say is a key benefit of Research Roundtable is learning how their peers look at the different investment strategies and their varying portfolio construction approaches. |
Research Roundtable covers a diverse range of investment strategies, with meetings each year in Australia as well as an annual seven-day meeting series to one of three major financial/investment hubs (East Coast US, West Coast US, and UK over a three-year cycle). Specific dates and locations are available on request. |
Before |
Participants are provided with detailed pre-reading around the investment strategy that is the focus of the meeting. The pre-reading is assumed prior knowledge for all participants. |
During |
Chaired by Portfolio Construction Forum publisher, Graham Rich, each Research Roundtable meeting is a half-day, simulated Investment Committee meeting. Participants are charged with deciding, after input from a fund research house, fund company CEO and portfolio manager, their own individual ratings for an investment strategy, and whether to include the strategy on a hypothetical APL and/or appropriate hypothetical multi-manager portfolios (this does not in any way commit participants to doing so in their own business, of course). During the meeting, participants complete a structured worksheet for the strategy. This is a relevant contributor to participants’ “secondary research” of the strategy, fund manager and research house. |
After |
Participants receive a detailed report on the strategy, to complement their worksheets. The report allows participants to benchmark their views on the strategy versus their peers’ views, as well as compare their ratings/views to the research house report provided as part of the pre-reading. Again, this is a relevant contributor to participants’ “secondary research” of the strategy, fund manager and research house. |

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